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Jey Young

Episode 160 of The Young Dad Podcast: Celebrating Introversion, Finding Common Ground, and Respectful Conversations – A Chat with Steph Laffey

In Episode 160 of The Young Dad Podcast, Jey welcomes Steph Laffey, a multi-talented podcaster and advocate for deep, meaningful conversations. Steph co-hosts three podcasts, including Stay Introverted and Becoming Human AF, which celebrate introversion, self-discovery, and open dialogue. This episode explores the power of embracing who you are, having respectful conversations even when you disagree, and finding common ground with others—because, as they both believe, we’re really not all that different. This episode is packed with wisdom for anyone looking to better understand themselves and connect with the world around them.

Celebrating Introversion: It’s a Superpower

"Being introverted is awesome. It's honestly a superpower and it should be celebrated, not apologized for."Steph begins by talking about her podcast, Stay Introverted, which focuses on celebrating introversion. For too long, introversion has been misunderstood or even stigmatized, but Steph believes it’s something to embrace. She explains that introverts have unique strengths, such as being deep thinkers, great listeners, and highly empathetic—qualities that make them powerful in their own right.

Steph shares how her journey of self-discovery led her to stop apologizing for who she was and instead start celebrating it. Through her podcast, she offers a space where introverts can discuss their experiences and perspectives, helping others realize that being introverted is a strength, not a weakness.

Takeaway: Introversion is a superpower, and embracing it can lead to greater self-confidence and personal growth. It’s important to stop apologizing for who you are and start celebrating it.

Finding Common Ground: More Similar Than Different

One of the most profound messages from the conversation is that despite our differences, we are more similar than we think. "We're really not all that different. We're really not that different. We're really all the same," Steph says, reflecting on how we often get caught up in surface-level disagreements and fail to see the commonalities that unite us.

Jey and Steph dive into the importance of having open and respectful conversations, even when people hold opposing viewpoints. Steph’s podcast Becoming Human AF was created with this very purpose in mind—to have tough conversations in a respectful manner, without falling into the trap of disrespect or hostility.

They both agree that if people could just "put our differences aside, stand side by side, things would be better." By finding common ground, we can work toward creating a more harmonious society where everyone’s voices are heard and respected.

Takeaway: We are more alike than we are different. Embracing open, respectful conversations allows us to find common ground and create a more understanding and connected world.

The Power of Respectful Conversations

One of the driving forces behind Steph’s work in podcasting is her desire to showcase the power of respectful dialogue. "We really wanted to create a podcast that deep dives into these tough conversations and shows how you can have conversations and disagree without getting nasty and disrespectful."In today's polarized world, it's easy to fall into arguments or echo chambers, especially on social media. But Steph believes there’s another way: having genuine conversations that encourage empathy and curiosity. She stresses the importance of listening—truly listening to understand, not just to respond.

Steph and Jey discuss how they hope to inspire others to engage in self-reflection and question their own biases. By doing so, we can foster personal growth and break down the barriers that often divide us.

Takeaway: Having respectful, meaningful conversations—especially about tough topics—can lead to greater empathy, understanding, and personal growth.

Breaking Generational Cycles: Curiosity and Forgiveness

The conversation also touches on the idea of breaking generational cycles of hate through curiosity and forgiveness. Steph explains that many of the divisions we see in society today are rooted in old patterns passed down through generations. But these cycles don’t have to continue."Find something in common with somebody that you've told yourself that you hate," Steph challenges listeners. She believes that by opening ourselves up to curiosity—by seeking to understand rather than judge—we can break the cycles of hate and create a more loving world.

She also talks about the power of forgiveness in healing relationships, both with others and with ourselves. Forgiveness allows us to let go of resentment and create space for growth, connection, and understanding.

Takeaway: Breaking generational cycles of hate requires curiosity, empathy, and forgiveness. By seeking to understand others, we can create a more loving and harmonious world.

Social Media’s Role: Stepping Away from Toxicity

Jey and Steph also reflect on the negative impact of social media on modern conversations. They discuss how social platforms often encourage superficial interactions and polarization, making it harder to have meaningful, respectful conversations.

Steph encourages listeners to take a step back from the narratives they see online and instead engage in genuine conversations with people in real life. "Avoid blindly accepting narratives from the internet and media," she advises, reminding listeners to be mindful of the information they consume and to question it when necessary.

Takeaway: Social media can often perpetuate division and negativity. It’s important to step back, question the narratives we see online, and seek out genuine, real-world conversations.


Q: How can I embrace my introversion and make it a strength?

A: Start by accepting and celebrating who you are. Surround yourself with people who understand and value your strengths as an introvert—like deep thinking, empathy, and listening. Steph’s podcast Stay Introverted is a great resource for learning how to turn introversion into a superpower.

Q: How can I have a respectful conversation with someone I disagree with?

A: Approach the conversation with curiosity and a desire to understand the other person’s point of view. Focus on listening more than speaking, and don’t be afraid to find common ground, even if you don’t agree on everything.

Q: What can I do to break cycles of negativity or hate?

A: Start by examining your own beliefs and biases. Look for opportunities to forgive and understand others, especially those you may have judged or disliked. Curiosity and empathy can help break these cycles and foster more loving connections.

Q: How can I avoid the negative impact of social media on my conversations?

A: Limit your time on social media and be mindful of the content you engage with. Focus on genuine, in-person conversations that allow for deeper understanding and connection, rather than relying on the often superficial interactions found online.

Wrapping Up:

In Episode 160 of The Young Dad Podcast, Jey and Steph Laffey offer listeners a profound discussion on self-discovery, introversion, and the power of respectful conversations. By embracing differences, finding common ground, and engaging in meaningful dialogue, we can foster greater understanding and build stronger connections with others. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to improve their relationships, question their biases, and create a more loving and empathetic world.

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