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Jey Young

The Why of Young Dad Podcast

YDP rebrand The why: The why is a funny thing. It’s the whole reason you do anything. There is always a reason why behind every choice. Conscious or unconscious. The hope is we’re making conscious choices in every moment to be able to communicate our why, whenever we are asked.

You ask me why I do the work I do. I can easily tell you. You ask me why I love being a dad. I can easily tell you. You ask me why I love my wife. I can tell you. The list goes on.

But you ask me why I podcast. Gosh that has come down to it’s a creative outlet I have and I’ve been doing it for so long that I feel almost obligated to keep going. But why?! Why is that my why? Shouldn’t my why be to bring immense value, love, empathy, compassion, and respect to each one of my listeners- dads, moms, random people everyone? Shouldn't I aim to be a resource for learning something: a skill, a way to communicate, a life lesson, just something relatable and useful every day.

And if I’m that resource how am I putting out those resources cause you ask rn and they’re non-existent and bare? My why used to be to help other fathers not feel alone. Then it became a fun hobby and honestly something to do. Then my why became as a creative outlet. Gross, what an evolution.

So let’s refine that why. Why podcast? Why me? Well, why not me? I have a voice that God gave me and why not use it for good? There’s so much noise in the world. Why not take an hour of the day/week to escape the noise? Why not be the one that guides the hour for the listener to relax, unwind, and reconnect with themselves?

Give the space to grow, to develop, and to gain something or maybe even the podcast to cope with the business and noise of the world. Why not provide a laugh, the information, a resource, a community to do that easily and quickly?

Why podcast? I use podcasts as a source of information, entertainment, and honesty to get through the day and to cut the noise sometimes. I want to be that for the listener. I want to prove that escape from the every day and give back some value- a resource, a laugh, a good conversation, some advice, who knows what else comes from the conversation.

Maybe having a simple conversation about a sensitive subject that inspires someone else to do the same. That’s the why.

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